Corporate Responsibility

Integrating responsibly with local business and the surrounding community

Corporate Responsibility (CR) has been an integral part of the way UMG operates to ensure all divisions respond to the environmental and social challenges that we face today.

Recognising CR as a fundamental role in under-pinning UMG’s growth strategy, with the already established ‘Unipart Way’ philosophy, we have based our working culture on engaging and empowering employees, customers, partners and suppliers at all levels of our organisation using ‘lean’ as a standard way of business operations.

As part of Unipart Group, we are a recognised leader in responsible business practice and act as a catalyst for CR, being recently awarded a four star rating in the 2014 Business in the Community Corporate Responsibility Index, the UK’s leading benchmark for responsible businesses. To find out more click here.

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Corporate Responsibility

?Unipart host Breakfast with Santa fundraiser for local charities

Post Category: Community

| 1:58 PM UK time, Thursday, 21 December

Hundreds of children and adults descended to Unipart House in Oxford where they enjoyed a delicious freshly made breakfast. They then joined festive elves to welcome Santa himself to Unipart House.

Unipart Group, one of Europe’s leading manufacturing, logistics and consultancy companies, hosted a special Breakfast with Santa event on 21 December to raise money for three local charities including Oxfordshire Mind, The Archway Foundation and Oxford Young Person Diabetes Society.

Tamworth distribution centre celebrates World Book Day

Post Category: Community

a0fb6e51_6b4a_4d74_851d_49871ee2557a | 4:06 PM UK time, Wednesday, 11 October

Well done to our distribution centre in Tamworth who raised £160 for the Charlie Round Foundation by dressing up as their favourite book characters on World Book Day.

Tamworth distribution centre raises £160 for charity. 

MetLase supports Sheffield University’s Formula Student Racing team

Post Category: Community

a0fb6e51_6b4a_4d74_851d_49871ee2557a | 10:22 AM UK time, Tuesday, 04 July

Steve Dunn, Managing Director of MetLase said: “It’s been a pleasure to get involved in this project this year. We think this is really important as if we want to increase our pool of engineering talent in the UK, it is essential that we help to nurture talent. The event is a fantastic opportunity for students to get hands-on experience of engineering in the real-world and it also gives UK engineering a chance to get industry ready graduates to work in our companies.”

MetLase, a joint venture between Rolls-Royce and Unipart Group, is supporting the University of Sheffield’s Formula Student race team to help with their aspiration to be one of the top 10 UK teams in the competition.

Unipart Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement

Post Category: Community

| 10:00 AM UK time, Tuesday, 20 June

Unipart is committed to conducting business transparently, honestly, openly and fairly.

It is the policy of Unipart that each company within the Unipart Group and each director, officer and employee of any Group company will comply in all respects with all applicable UK laws, and (in addition and where relevant) local laws of overseas countries, standards and principles relating to Modern Slavery in each of the jurisdictions in which a Unipart company trades, operates or has any other activity. Companies within the Group will establish and enforce effective compliance procedures including their supply chains.

Tamworth take on the Great Row for Cancer Research UK

Post Category: Community

a0fb6e51_6b4a_4d74_851d_49871ee2557a | 11:03 AM UK time, Tuesday, 18 April

25 colleagues took part in the event through the day rowing 90 miles in total raising £600 for the charity.

Unipart Logistics in Tamworth raised £600 for Cancer Research UK after taking part in the Great Row.