
Meet our current people

Leo T Leo T
Ben P Ben P
Matthew M Matthew M

- Leo T

Apprentice Engineer
My apprenticeship has given me a fascinating opportunity to learn about the newer technologies, including working alongside "cobots" on a live production line. I've also been lucky enough to gain experience in the Hyperbat battery manufacturing facility and being involved with the latest production of panel lifters.
Job Title

Apprentice Engineer

What was your first role and where are you now?

My first role was to aid engineers with the automation project in the fuel rails area. This was fascinating as I got to learn about "cobots" and got to meet members of the team. I then went on to work in the Hyperbat business which was interesting as I got to see all the work that goes into setting up processes right from the beginning. My current role is working on the new Panel Lifter build at UPA.

What is your biggest achievement to date?

So far I would say that my biggest achievement is working on the Panel Lifter build, as I am in charge of all the electronics that go into the panel lifter. This was interesting to do because when I started working on panel lifters I didn't even know that they existed! So seeing it go from nothing to a fully working panel lifter was quite an achievement for me!

What has been your biggest challenge?

Learning about all the components that go into a battery pack and the unique safety precautions that came with them. Luckily, thanks to the helpful team in Hyperbat, I was able to pick it up relatively quickly.

What has been the most useful thing you have learnt along the way?

How to deal with something unexpectedly going wrong, and how to rectify the problem well enough to prevent it from happening again.

What advice would you give anyone entering the industry now?

It's okay to make mistakes, but when you do make a mistake don't give up and walk away from the problem, that way you will never learn anything. Instead take a step back and think about how you can fix this problem. And finally, don't be afraid to ask for help!

- Ben P

Maintenance Engineer
My apprenticeship has given me the skills and knowledge to work on complex manufacturing projects. My current project has required additional self training on electronics and computer programming which has been supported by the Digital Team.
Job Title

Maintenance Engineer

What attracted you to do an apprenticeship?

The ability to learn a new career while continuing to work, by completing an apprenticeship program it is possible to get both textbook knowledge and practical on the job skills.

What has been the most useful thing you have learnt along the way?

The importance of working safely when completing a task.This includes things such as correct shutdown procedures and how to use testing equipment.This gave me the confidence to work on machinery or processes without the fear of injury to myself or others.

Where do you see yourself 5 years from now?

I am aiming to complete my full degree apprenticeship and become a fully qualified engineer.

What has been your biggest challenge?

The HNC project I am currently in the process of completing has been a large challenge, this has required further self training in electronics and some computer programming, but thanks to the Unipart Digital Team I have the additional support to these skills.

What advice would you give anyone entering the industry now?

Make sure you fully understand everything you are taught and always ask questions. This could be to your college tutors or your trainer at work, these people have years of experience and knowledge and have taken the time to pass this on. Everything you learn will only speed up your own progression.Never stop learning.

- Matthew M

Multi-skilled Maintenance Technician
Try to absorb as much information as possible from all types of employees, learning not only technical skills but also the softer skills which are essential for progression throughout your career.
Job Title

Multi-skilled Maintenance Technician

What attracted you to do an apprenticeship?

The opportunity to further my education, whilst earning a salary in my chosen career.

What was your first role, and where are you now?

I began my apprenticeship with Kautex Unipart as an Assets Management Controller.I'm currently working as a Multi-skilled Maintenance Technician.

Where do you see yourself 5 years from now?

I would like to continue my development in the maintenance department, gaining enough experience and knowledge to later lead a team as Maintenance Manager.

What is your biggest achievement to date within your workplace?

Being part of a team to consolidate the parts stores into one location which provides a cost saving to the business

How do you feel the apprenticeship has helped you?

By continuing my education whilst gaining valuable on-the-job learning, I feel this will help to set me up for continuous career progression and open up further opportunities for me.

What has been the most useful thing you have learnt along the way?

Many of your skills can be transferable not only from job to job, but between departments and even into new products.

What advice would you give anyone entering the industry now?

Research the company thoroughly and look for opportunities of growth.Try to absorb as much information as possible from all types of employees, learning not only technical skills but also the softer skills which are essential for progression throughout your career.